Sep 3rd, 2013

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Natural Beauty DIY Recipe | Vegan Deep Moisturizing Treatment for Dry Skin

dry desert sandWhether your dry or lackluster skin is the result of summer fun in the sun, the skin transitions that come with the changing seasons, winter’s dry air, or any other reason it’s important to do everything you can to get it hydrated again.  A healthy diet rich in fresh, organic fruits and vegetables and Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) can help create beautiful, supple skin from the inside out.  Also, choose natural beauty products that focus on gentle, non toxic ingredients that won’t contribute to dry skin; unlike many of the commercial formulations available today.

You can also show your skin some love by indulging in a moisturizing treatment at least weekly.  Nothing pricey.  In fact, below, we’ve posted one of our favorite Vegan DIY recipes that’s filled with totally natural ingredients you’ll find in your home or at the grocery store.  Just mix up a fresh batch for each use and apply as needed to any area that needs some special attention (well, maybe not exactly everywhere!!).  Your skin will be nourished with a deep, moisturizing treatment that will give it a hydrated and healthy glow even when things get rough.

Sevani’s Vegan DIY Recipe for Dry Skin

organic strawberries for dry skinIngredients

The amounts you’ll end up using will depend on how much of your body is suffering from dry skin.  The proportions given below will be enough your face and hands.  At least double if not triple the amount for a full body moisturizing treatment.

1/3 C Organic Oil Blend – You can choose any combination of these or just use one – all are amazing for treating dry skin :

Coconut Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Argan Oil, Jojoba Oilorganic sugar in white bowl to help exfoliate dry skin

1/2 Organic Papaya

6-8 Organic Strawberries

1/4 C Organic Aloe Vera – from your plant if you have it, or you can purchase organic aloe vera juice

1/3 C Organic Sugar/ Evaporated Cane Juice


Cut and mash organic papaya and strawberries.  Add organic oil blend, aloe vera, and sugar.  Stir until well mixed.

organic coconut Apply to skin in a gentle circular motion.  Allow to penetrate as long as possible, 15 min at least.

Then take a luke-warm or cool shower – not hot – to rinse.

Gently pat dry with your towel, but leave your skin a bit damp.  Now apply your favorite moisturizer and your dry skin will feel as good as new!

Enjoy this wonderful, vegan DIY moisturizing treatment at least weekly for best results, bi weekly for extremely dry skin.