Oct 29th, 2011

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Don’t Fall For Fake Natural Beauty Products

Just Say No to Fake Natural Beauty Products imageDo you know what’s in the bottle of cleanser you’re using?  The actual list of ingredients?

Did you know that unlike food there is no requirements for labeling cosmetics, skin care products and other personal care items?

This means that even if you can read the list of ingredients there may be omissions, untruths or even outright twisting of language into near lies.  They can’t lie outright of course.  But, product manufacturers can distort the truth by miles; and they do ALL the time.  The end result?  Many many lines of fake natural beauty products.

You see, when  cosmetics or skin care companies use the word “Natural” to describe their products – even “All natural” –  it doesn’t have to mean anything.  Of course for some companies like Sevani, it means the world.

We’re committed to only using skin care ingredients that are truly non toxic.  We disclose all of our ingredients – ALL of them.  We have spent the time and money to create our own luxury skin care formulas using Eco Cert preservatives and truly natural ingredients at the correct levels to provide the best skin care possible.  We are certified cruelty free, our products are vegan, and, well, we’re completely for every other company to have to follow those same rules at the bare minimum; hence our signing of The Compact For Safe Cosmetics.

There’s simply no way for a “regular person” (and even some folks “in the biz” even) to be able to understand all of the different chemicals, toxins and preservatives out there that can be of harm to humans, animals, even the entire planet – yet are still permitted to be used in things like their nightly eye cream or their deodorant.  Its for this reason that labeling of skin care products is essential!

If a company uses phenoxyethanol  for example as it stands now, they can still call themselves a “natural skin care brand”- and many do.  While still other fake natural beauty products even omit this preservative from their list of ingredients entirely because they use 1% or less.  Companies do this to appear natural yet still rely on chemicals to do the work truly natural brands would use on only plant based ingredients to maintain.  They know there is consumer demand for products that are non toxic and chemical free yet, they don’t/can’t/wont take the time to understand herbs, oils, plant essences, etc in order to make truly natural skin and beauty products.

For now, until there is mandatory labeling of all personal care products, you, the consumer will have to do your own work finding brands doing the right thing.  Look for 3rd party certifications, search sites like Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep to find more info on the products you’re considering, and get to know the companies you’re buying from.

Please, also know that Sevani offers a FREE 15 min appt (via phone, skype or in our salon) for folks to ask our licensed holistic aesthetician and developer of the line any questions they’d like about our products, ingredients to avoid, their own skin, whatever.  We simply want to be open and honest with our customers and help everyone understand that personal and skin care products can be ethical AND effective.

Also, in the meantime, make your voice heard for Truth in Labeling so we can all be rid of fake natural beauty products for ever!