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Valentine’s Day Aromatherapy List | Essential Oils for Love and…More!
Aromatherapy is an important part of our practice here at Sevani. Using essential oils for healing and beauty is nothing new though. Aromatherapy is a centuries old science that utilizes the way our bodies process scents in order to support, protect, and heal.
Our brains receive messages about scents of all kinds through the olfactory system. As these messages move toward the brain they also pass through the Limbic System; the control and storage center for our memory and emotions. The messages received by these systems from the essential oils trigger them to release chemicals needed by the body to relax, energize, kill bacteria, etc. As a result, by choosing different scents based upon their underlying chemical compounds, oil blends can be created with a desired aromatherapeutic effect in mind.
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we figured we’d take a minute to discuss essential oils to use if the aromatherapeutic benefit you have in mind is inducing a feeling of love, or even firing up your, or your lover’s libido.
In fact, essential oils have been used since ancient times to increase libido, enhance “performance”, and to support both men and women in receiving the highest level of satisfaction from sex. Today, aromatherapy is recommended by sexologists in many countries before reaching for the more invasive treatment options to address issues like low libido or hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD).
To help you get ready to enjoy Valentine’s Day full of Love, here is a list of essential oils and their known effects for creating desire and fostering pleasure in the bedroom.
Rose is by far my favorite essential oil. It has so many benefits for the skin but, it’s also a major love potion for us ladies! It balances hormones, supports the reproductive organs, and boosts feelings of sexual prowess and confidence.
Patchouli essential oil is a well loved aphrodisiac and another excellent oil for the skin making it ideal for romantic, Valentine’s Day activities like massages and bubble baths.
Ginger is a deep, warm scent that creates feelings of safety and comfort and has been known to actually make lovemaking last longer and be more passionate.
Jasmine increases energy levels and brightens the mood reducing frigidity. Essential oil of Jasmine is particularly helpful for men because it can be used quite reliably as a natural means of addressing many common performance issues.
Ylang Ylang
As far as essential oils go, Yland Ylang is considered to be one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs. It increases energy, reduces inhibitions thereby promoting sexual experimentation and, it intensifies feelings or eroticism to help get men and women “in the mood” so to speak. Ylang Ylang is also known for increasing libido overall and promoting attraction.
A word of caution about Ylang Ylang though – a little dab will do ya! Too much can cause headache and nausea – neither of which are what you want to feel on Valentine’s Day!
And please remember with all essential oils and any other type of treatment for that matter, be sure to consult your medical practitioner particularly if you’re pregnant or have other underlying medical conditions.
That said, one of the most romantic and effective ways to enjoy the full effect of these essential oils is to massage them into your partner’s skin using a carrier oil like organic argan oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil or kukui nut oil for a full body massage.
You might also sprinkle a few drops of the essential oils on the sheets, blankets and pillows, or, create a natural air freshener by simply adding a few drops of your preferred essential oil to a spray bottle filled with water. Spray around the room to create a romantic atmosphere anywhere.
Also, consider making a special Valentine’s Day spa appointment for you and your partner. Book an aromatherapy couples massage, or head for the jacuzzi and add a few drops of essential oils to the water, a few rose petals, and relax together enjoying all of these romantic scents.
Where can you find essential oils to inspire romance in your life? We’re happy to create custom essential oil blends so you can pamper your sweetheart, enjoy a special day together, and ensure your Valentine’s Day ends with a Bang!