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The Campaign For Safe Cosmetics Calls Sevani An “Innovator” In Non Toxic Beauty
We’ve got some very exciting news to share with all of you ~
We just received word from The Campaign For Safe Cosmetics that Sevani has been designated as a “Champion and Innovator” in their new Market Shift report just released today.
“Congratulations to Sevani Botanica for being an Innovator in the field of safe cosmetics and beauty products, and for demonstrating that it’s possible to make personal care products that far exceed current safety standards in the United States. A growing number of consumers are seeking personal care products that do not contain hazardous chemicals, and our report shows that making safer products is not only possible, but is also part of a successful business model,” said Mia Davis, organizing director of The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and coordinator of the new Safe Cosmetics Business Network.
As you might guess, we’re REALLY honored and quite pleased to be acknowledged by The Campaign For Safe Cosmetics this way because this is the exact reason I took the leap and created the Sevani natural skin care line. I wanted there to be something that was entirely, 100% natural. A line of honestly, ethical skin care products that were also incredibly effective so that men and women could be naturally beautiful as opposed to using countless chemicals created by huge corporations that only mimic the powers of nature.
Sevani was a long journey that taught me a great deal and I am hopeful you’ll continue to support our small business as we endeavor to make “Positively Pure. Positively Powerful.” skin care products that are safe for you and the entire planet!