Jun 26th, 2012

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Sevani Supports The Wolf Sanctuary of Pennsylvania

sevani supports wolf sanctuary of pa thorAs many of my customers and clients know, Sevani Botanica is all about the animals!

The actual beauty products are certified cruelty free and vegan too!  And, we use a portion of our profits from the sale of our totally, honestly, natural skin care line to support animal welfare organizations that are doing good work to support all the various animals on the planet currently in need.

Our most recent donation was given to The Wolf Sanctuary of Pennsylvania.  This 501C3 non profit organization is home to The Speedwell Wolves.  According to The Sanctuary’s website:


Sevani wolf sanctuary supportFor over 20 years the Darlington Family has offered refuge to Wolves who have found themselves without a place in the natural world. It has been over a hundred years since the last wild Wolf was known to exist in Pennsylvania. Originally created as an educational facility, the Sanctuary has allowed the Wolves, as nearly as possible to associate as a pack, choose their mates and raise their offspring.


The Wolf Sanctuary currently provides food, shelter, and veterinary care to over 40 wolves ONLY with the support of generous donations from individuals; no government or corporate sponsorship is involved.  They also offer tours (even a full moon tour!) and events to give back to the community and, most importantly, share the love for wolves, and nature as a whole with others.

Sevani Botanica supports animal welfareWords can’t describe how amazing it is to see these wolves in their own habitat.  They’re beautiful, soulful creatures for sure.  And, to know they only survive because of donations was an important reason for me to sign Sevani right up as a sponsor for one of the wolves there.

Being an animal rights advocate and fan of all living creatures, I select a variety of organizations for our company to support. And, anyone who purchases Sevani Botanica products that loves animals as much as I do, will be pleased to have a hand in supporting these majestic beings and the humans who are trying to help them.

Want to do something for the wolves or other rescues closer to your home?  There are many organizations like The Wolf Sanctuary of PA all over the country.  Check them out, have a visit, and see what you can do to help animals in need.

And remember, whenever you buy Sevani non toxic beauty products you’re also supporting these wolves, as well as countless other animals and the organizations working to so hard to make a better planet for them, and all the rest of us too.